Holding Right Click Detection


This method allows you to detect when player is "holding" right click, using a carrot on a stick.

Note: I will be referring to "carrot on a stick" as "coas" from now on


A simple spell casting system where a spell will be cast when the player holds right click for a period of time



To detect when player is holding right click, you need to know when player right clicks coas twice within a time threshold.
Because Minecraft takes in coas input every 4 tick, a right click is considered continuous if it's performed within 5 ticks of another click.


1. Setup scoreboard objectives


#> This objective is used for detecting when the player is right clicking.
scoreboard objectives add <coas> minecraft.used:minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick

#> This objective will alway be more than 0 when the player is holding right click
scoreboard objectives add <timer> dummy

2. Detect right click

execute if score @s <coas> matches 1.. run function [coas/reset_timer]

3. Detect holding right click


# Decrease <timer> by one until it hits 0
scoreboard players remove @s[scores={<timer>=1..}] <timer> 1

# If <timer> is more than 0, we know that the player has right clicked within the last 5 ticks.
# (Since <timer> decrease by 1 every tick and every time a right click is performed <timer> is set to 5 again.)
execute if score @s <timer> matches 1.. run say Player is Holding Right Click!

# Set <timer> to 5 and <coas> to 0
scoreboard players set @s <timer> 5
scoreboard players set @s <coas> 0

5. Conclusion If <timer> is more than 0, we know that the player has right clicked within the last 5 ticks, since <timer> decreases by 1 every tick, and every time a right click is performed <timer> is set to 5 again.
We can use execute if score @s <timer> matches 1.. to know if <timer> is more than or equal to 1.


  • <...> is a placeholder value that you have to replace with your own value.
  • [...] is a placeholder path to display relationship between each functions.

Example Datapack

You can download the example datapack here.

This example pack contains extra code used to display the title message to player.

Happy Datapacking! - Cocoon